Eve’s Tikkun (Elevation)

The “Eve Tikkun” pendant consists of three shields according to the three letters in Hava’s name:

The letter chet, number 8, Abraham’s shield composed of two combined squared – a total of 8 sides.

The letter vav, number 6, David’s shield (Star of David), two triangles with 6 points.

The letter hey, number 5, Solomon’s shield, a star with 5 points.


According to the sages, “the name determines the destiny” means that the name of the person affects his destiny in life and the basis of every person is in sin.

Eve – The first woman who began in sin and yet made her punishment a source of eternal life.

The secret of the shields brings balance and tikkun in every person, inner work of the human psyche when “Magen Avraham” implies the elevation of the soul’s ability to observe what is there.

“Star of David” is a star whose “internal is equivalent to its external”, the area of ​​its points is equal to the area of ​​its surface – a balance between the person’s interior and his behavior, the tikkun of the qualities in man.

“Magen Shlomo” (Solomon’s shield) is the tikkun of the act and the tikkun of the beauty, the external, inner, and self-worth of a man.

* Taken from the Ari website – Kabbalist jewelry.

The “Eve Tikkun” pendant is made of silver and gold and carrying it brings power, balance, and improvement in the human psyche.