Baby Charm ‘Ei’li’ for Protection and Defense



Charm on a silver 925 and 9K gold pin with eye design inlaid with turquoise and text “His angels will protect you in every path you choose” and aleph lamed daled and mem hey shin.

Spiritual meaning


His angels will protect you in every path you choose – for protection and defense on your journey.

Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring – for protection and defense from the evil eye and negative energies.

Turquoise – in the Scriptures is known as a stone that “does not attract the evil eye” and is therefore good for protection and protection.

Stimulates inner strength, serenity and courage. Gives peace of mind and balances the emotions.

Eases breathing and is therefore good for asthmatics.

aleph lamed daled – from the 72 names for protection and defense.

mem hey shin – from the 72 names for health of body and spirit.