Love Summoning/ Love Empowering Kit



The perfect kit for summoning new love into our life or empoweing current love.

The wooden box is filled with rose quartz chips, and inside:

-A keychain with two gemstones : moonstone and rose-quartz.

-A pair of Mandarin ducks on agate stone.

-5/5 cm stone tile with “שאה” writing from the 72 names of the creator for a good and healthy pairing and relationship.

-Gold sakta maskuta – the grains attract miracles and connects us to the magic of the universe. instructions : spread over your head while wishing what your heart desire.

Spiritual meaning


The 72 names of the Creator which were taken from the Song of the Sea in the Book of Exodus. Each name has its own virtue and frequency, together they create a spiritual and powerful tool for abundance, health, blessing, preservation, fertility and creating healthy relationships.

Rose-Quartz – The stone of love. Floods with energy essential for self-fulfillment and inner peace. The stone slowly penetrates the nourishing, soothing, and instructive heart chakra to give and receive love. It gently wraps in soft and soothing energies, and teaches that the source of infinite love comes from within.

Moonstone – The stone for true and true pairing. A stone for renewing and rejuvenating the relationship between spouses; brings harmony to married life. Increases intuition and therefore facilitates the right choice of partner.